3 Questions on Soft Tissue Management

  1. What is Soft Tissue Management?
    Our Soft Tissue Management (STM®) program, also called soft tissue massage, is an established standard of care to manage musculoskeletal discomfort or aches and pains in the muscles. The targeted therapy relieves discomfort through mobilization or massage of soft tissue.

  2. Is Soft Tissue Massage Soft?
    No. Soft Tissue does not mean soft as in gentle – but refers to body structures that are not hard, like bone. Soft tissues include: all levels of muscle (from superficial to deep), tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, fibrous tissues, nerves and blood vessels.

  3. What can Soft Tissue Massage help with?
    Relieving musculoskeletal discomfort, work related and non-work related concerns, chronic and acute tension, as well as improving body flexibility, strength and wellness. This intervention improves tissue mobility and blood flow, and in regards to the workplace, decreases progression of the issue to a recordable claim. Because this technique is included within the OSHA-defined first aid standard, it does not constitute medical care.

To learn more about our Soft Tissue Management Program contact us.