Research Shows Positive Impact of Biometric Screening and Coaching on Driver Health


Release: Immediate
Date: November 12, 2019
Media Contacts:  
D.J. Davis  
Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions  
(616) 844-6322

Grand Haven, Michigan (November 12, 2019) – In the fourth white paper in a series of research studies examining health and wellness within the transportation industry, Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions ( reveals how biometric screening and wellness coaching impacts drivers and high-risk health conditions.

The newly released white paper titled Impact of Wellness Screens and Coaching in the Transportation Industry studied 1,169 newly hired drivers over a five-year period, through data provided by new hire and follow-up biometric screens.  The screen process included demographic questions focused on gender, age, height, weight, driving experience, and tobacco/nicotine use.  Physiological testing was also completed and added information on blood pressure, resting heart rate, glucose levels, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, waist circumference, and Body Mass Index (BMI).

During the study period, drivers were provided individual wellness coaching sessions focused on health metrics, exercise, nutrition, how to address personal lifestyle barriers, and help to monitor their progress on health goals over time.

The study compared the impact of single and multiple coaching sessions on a driver’s Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) risk—which is a cluster of conditions that increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and many cancers—BMI, and tobacco/nicotine use.

The findings of the study include:

  • Up to 80% of drivers do not attend an annual preventative exam with a personal healthcare provider. Instead, they rely on the less comprehensive information they receive from their DOT examinations. 
  • Most MetS factors are undetectable without a blood test, and therefore a majority of drivers do not know they are at risk.
  • An increase in wellness coaching interactions helps drivers maintain and improve their MetS condition, thereby reducing risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and many cancers.
  • An increase in wellness coaching interactions helps drivers maintain or improve BMI, thereby reducing risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, and driving accidents.
  • An increase in wellness coaching interactions does not positively impact tobacco and nicotine use. Emphasis needs to be placed on educating drivers on the connection between tobacco/nicotine use and MetS conditions, and increasing participation in smoking cessation programs.

“A 2016 HireRight Transportation Survey reported that 21% of drivers leave their jobs due to health issues,” says Drew Bossen, executive vice president of Atlas IPS. “In addition, data shows newly hired drivers who are obese have a 50% higher chance of a crash during their first two years of employment.  Wellness, or a lack of wellness, impacts the fleets in many ways.”

“Our goal is to use the data we have obtained from over 15,000 transportation employees to help the industry understand the risks and effective strategies that have been proven to positively impact the individual and the business.”

To view the full Atlas white paper, titled Impact of Wellness Screens and Coaching in the Transportation Industry, click here.

About Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions, LLC

Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions (IPS) is a leading injury prevention and management service and technology provider, helping customers reduce the spiraling costs of injuries within industrial, office, distribution, transportation, and healthcare environments.  Atlas guides clients to financially evaluate and define the appropriate strategy, and offers services that are uniquely simple, measurable, and cost effective. Atlas IPS provides turnkey support through the nation’s largest network of professional service providers or can assist corporate resources with the necessary training and technology. Atlas IPS is located in Grand Haven, Michigan, and additional information can be found at