Atlas to Present at the ATA Safety, Security and Human Resources National Conference


Release: Immediate
Date: April 9, 2024
Media Contacts:  
D.J. Davis  
Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions  
(616) 844-6322

(April 9, 2024) – With a continued focus on expanding the knowledge and practice of injury prevention within the transportation industry, Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions will be leading an educational session at the ATA Safety, Security and Human Resources National Conference (SSHR), held April 24-26, 2024.

Atlas expert Nick Menke, ATC, will co-present with Drew Bossen, PT, and retired Atlas Vice President, on a session titled Perspectives from the Frontline; Keeping Drivers Tuned up to Avoid Injuries.  This session will be held Thursday April 25, 2024, at the Downtown Sheraton in Phoenix, Arizona, from 1:30pm-2:30pm.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, drivers and warehouse workers have some of the highest injury rates of all jobs, driven primarily by muscle sprains and strains or musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). In many cases these injuries result in sending employees to Urgent Care Clinics or Emergency Rooms, where this often leads to a reportable injury and a lost time event.

Nick and Drew will introduce attendees to the components of a successful Early Intervention program and showcase how this valuable solution can help reduce recordable injuries by providing care to employees who experience muscle or joint discomfort.

At the programs core is the ability to address employee discomfort by an athletic trainer or physical therapist for an assessment as soon as possible, and if appropriate, provide OHSA approved first aid care such as heat, ice, stretching, soft splints, and massage.  Typically, first aid works 90-95% of the time and the key outcome is employees stay on the job.

“Providers of industrial athlete programs have specific understanding of the work environment and physical job demands to help address root causes of symptoms,” says Nick Menke.  “This understanding fosters effective and positive connections with employees, as well as interventions that matter for long term success.”

In addition to employees staying on the job, benefits such as employee satisfaction and overall health and wellness are byproducts of this type of Early Intervention or Industrial Athlete service. This presentation will also cover:

  • MDS risks facing transportation and warehouse employers
  • Benefits of onsite and at-clinic Early Intervention Programs
  • Ergonomic and wellness solutions to keep drivers on the road and warehouse employees on the job

About Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions, LLC

Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions (IPS) is a leading injury prevention and management service and technology provider, helping customers reduce the spiraling costs of injuries within the industrial, distribution, transportation, construction, office, and healthcare environments. Atlas guides clients to financially evaluate and define the appropriate strategy, and offers services that are uniquely simple, measurable, and cost-effective. In addition, Atlas IPS provide turnkey support through the nation's largest network of professional service providers or can assist corporate resources with the necessary training and technology. Atlas IPS is located in Grand Haven, Michigan, and additional information can be found at